Our project is entitled Preparing for the 21st Century: Challenges Facing a Changing Society. The project aims at looking at the challenges of our world: unemployment, poverty, environmental issues, ICT in education, migration and intercultural barriers. It is a multilateral project and it bases on the cooperation of six schools from different countries: France, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey. The partnership was planned for two school years: 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 and one of its crucial parts are work sessions in partner countries, where all the partners discuss given problems and compare the information they gather in their host countries.
The 6 main challenges of contemporary society which we focus on: EMPLOYMENT (working session in France - October 2010) POVERTY (working session in Poland - March 2011) ENVIRONMENT (working session in Germany - May/June 2011) ICT - Information Communication Technologies (working session in Turkey - October 2011) MIGRATION (working session in Romania - March 2012) CULTURAL BARRIERS (the final meeting in Catalonia, Spain - May 2012) (AK)
Our products on the European Shared Treasure website can be found HERE
General Coordinator of the Project & Website: CHESARU ANA-MARIA